Web hosting: our must-know tips before you get started

Top 9 Best Web Hosting Providers of 2020 – In-Depth Reviews

We’ve reviewed (and re-reviewed) more than 100 web hosting providers – free and paid-for – so we know what makes the best website hosting service. From our experience, we believe these are the five key things to consider when selecting yours:

a. You almost always get what you paid for
If your website is primarily a hobby on the side then this shouldn’t matter as much. However, as an essential business tool, it’s often a false economy to go for the cheapest deal (or a free one) on offer.

b. Beware of pricing tricks
The overwhelming majority of web hosting vendors offer low prices at the beginning of their contracts, but jack up the pricing after the introductory period ends, which can be 24, 36 or even 60 months after signing up. Always look for the total cost of ownership.

c. Just how trustworthy is the provider?
Just about anyone can pretend to be a real web host and just be reselling someone else’s products. So, look to see how long they’ve been around, if they have a contact address, who owns them, are they making realistic promises on the website and so on. Google is your friend here.

d. Know your limits
How comfortable are you with creating your own website? Do you need external help to understand the numerous ramifications (including legal and commercial ones) that publishing one entails?

e. Consider website builders

Choosing a Web Host – Web Hosting Features Explained – Web Hosting ...You don’t need web hosting to get online, and website builders offer an interesting and compelling alternative. However, you can’t migrate your content easily if you want to leave because of their proprietary nature.

For more hints and tips you can scroll towards the bottom of this page for a full web hosting FAQ. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any outstanding questions.